德国耶拿原子吸收色无极影院亚洲一级代理商 德国耶拿原子吸收色无极影院亚洲一级代理商
色无极影院亚洲产物与国内外各品牌仪器配套,配套于北分瑞利、普析通用、东西电子、瀚时制作所、北京华洋、科创海光、博晖创新、北京纳克、北京美诚、北京瑞昌、上海天美、上海精科(上分厂)、上海光谱、浙江福立、江苏天瑞、安徽皖仪、武汉天虹、辽宁分析、沈阳华光等国内品牌,同时兼容配套于美国珀金埃尔默PE、美国瓦里安Varian、美国热电Thermo(Unicam)、美国惠普HP、美国安捷伦Agilent、美国Buck、美国利曼Leeman、美国力可Leco、美国贝尔德Baird、美国沃特世Waters、德国耶拿Analytic Jena、德国斯派克Spectro、、澳大利亚GBC、加拿大欧罗拉Aurora、英国可林kwicklink、英国派尤尼堪(尤里卡)、日本日立、日本岛津Shimadzu 、日本掘场Horib等国外品牌。国产产物与原装产物兼营,零售批发兼营拥。
PriorityOrder numberDescription
Consumables general
402-889.527Auto-Protection valve assembly, complete
402-889.091Lids for sample vials, 2 ml, set of 500 pieces
402-889.652Flow test kit
402-889.182Wires for cleaning syringe needles, set of 10 pieces
402-007.513FAST connector, 1 piece
(adaptor angeled for gas tubings, black)
402-801.317Fuse for furnace unit
T 10 A H, 20 mm
402-820.044Air filter for membrane dryer pump (at rear side of multi EA 5000), 1 piece
402-889.510Multi purpose combustion tube
402-825.045Tweezers, straight, truncated
402-889.092Sample vials, 2 ml, set of 100 pieces
(for sample rack with 112 positions)
402-889.558PTFE filter plate, d = 25 mm (Auto protection replacement
402-820.129Oxygen and argon gas supply tubing
FEP, OD 6 mm (sold by meter), 1 m
402-889.306Screw cap with hole, GL 18
402-889.557Sealing disk, 17 mm, for plastic cap GL 18, Set of 5 pieces
402-889.583Special sealing 12 mm
(FAST connector at outlet of multi purpose combustion tube)
402-822.118Heat resistent gloves, 1 pair
402-812.374Replacement screw
(mounting of autosampler on the basic unit/ ABD)
402-823.079Removable needles for 50 and 100 μl syringes, set of 3 pieces
402-886.248Waste hose
A402-889.206Septum for rinsing vessel
402-889.533Syringe 50 μl, with removable needle, without markings
402-889.534Syringe 100 μl, with removable needle, without markings
402-889.589Syringe 10 μl, for Autoinjector, with removable needle
recommended for higher element concentrations and systems with carbon module
402-889.592Syringe 100 μl, for Autoinjector, with removable needle
402-889.590Syringe 20 μl, for Autoinjector, with removable needle
recommeded for higher element concentrations, for systems with carbon module and for systems with only one detector module (N or S)
402-889.591Syringe 40 μl, for Autoinjector, with removable needle
recommended as standard syringe for N/S systems
402-889.186Removable special needles, set of 3 pieces
Manual Boat Drive - MBD
402-815.839Sealing for sample port MBD
402-889.671Feed tube for MBD
402-889.672Hook for MBD
402-889.670MBD coupling tube, glass
402-889.674Quartz boat, 40 mm x 9 mm, set of 10 pieces
402-889.560Set of sealing elements horizontal 402-889.673Sample boat
Automatic boat drive - ABD
402-889.551ABD coupling tube, glass
402-886.236Sealing for sample port ABD
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